Custom Work

"Vibrant" for a home office - it was their word for the year. Pretty sweet.

Mary Olive poem excerpt in clients handwriting. Local home, Seattle, WA

Local Tide, Fremont Seattle

Recycle symbol for local jewelry designer, Caps N' Scraps, Seattle, WA.

Solterra Solar, Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA

Artwork made in June 2020 during the Seattle BLM protests. Clear glass filled with neon and argon/mercury on abstract painting.

Artist's self reflection. Clear glass filled with squiggly xenon. Mounted on maple and brass panels.

Abstract heart shape attached to found wood. Clear glass pumped neon surrounding a crystal found by my mother.

Found wood, agate slice, clear class filled with argon.

Wearable neon art. Clear glass filled with argon.

Wearable neon art. Clear glass filled with neon.

Interpretation of robot from client's favorite video game, Machinarium. Clear gold, veep, ocean blue and coral pink glass filled argon only.

Neon Fart. Lead blue filled with xenon.

#BLM, 2020

#BLM in front of mural in Seattle's Capitol Hill district while citizens demanded change.

Artwork - Zodiac Signs